NDIS data shows further Scheme improvements…

The latest National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) Quarterly Report shows the Scheme remains on track to improve its financial sustainability, with total Scheme expenses for the recent quarter almost $150 million below expectations.
The NDIS Quarterly Report (30 September 2024) highlights recent reforms continue to provide better outcomes for NDIS participants while continuing to stabilise Scheme cost growth.
Recent data released in the Scheme’s Annual Financial Sustainability Report summary in the Annual Report show total projected Scheme expenses for the next four years to June 2028 are projected to be $1 billion lower than projections in the 2024-25 budget.
The latest Report shows reforms and legislative changes are making the NDIS stronger as well as an encouraging trend of stabilisation for Scheme cost growth.
An additional 23,667 participants joined the Scheme this quarter.
Highlights this quarter relating to participant outcomes include:
- Of participants aged 15 years and older who have been in the NDIS for two years or more, 42% reported increased participation in community and social activities.
- Participation in work has more than doubled from 10% to 22% for participants aged 15 to 24 years who have been in the NDIS for two years or more.
- More than three quarters of all participants aged 15 years and older who have been in the NDIS for two years or more reported the NDIS has helped them to have greater choice and control in their lives.
- More than 500 staff added to the frontline service delivery team, reducing in reduced waiting times – particularly for participants seeking changes to their NDIS plan.
- Further measures introduced to resolve the high number of requests we continue to receive from participants including:
- 25,659 access decisions completed (up more than 50% from the June quarter)
- 23,681 first plan approvals (up almost 80% from the June quarter)
- 61,767 plan reassessments (up 10% from the June quarter).
The Agency continues to implement measures to enhance the NDIS experience, supported by more than $732 million of funding provided in the 2023-24 budget.
These measures will be complemented by changes in the new legislation. Key highlights this quarter include:
- Continued stabilisation of plan inflation. While the average NDIS plan value continues to grow, improvements to the planning process is leading to more consistent decision making.
- A continued increase in the numbers of people leaving the NDIS as their support needs stabilise, including children who leave the NDIS because they no longer need NDIS support and their needs are best met outside the NDIS.
- Continued stabilisation in the number of participants new to supported independent living (SIL). The number of participants in SIL had a net increase of 521 this quarter, compared to 540 in the previous quarter.
- A continued change in spending behaviours, leading to fewer participants at risk of overspending their NDIS plan.
- Continued benefits from payment integrity initiatives, including the Crack Down on Fraud program which is boosting the NDIA’s payment systems to better protect participant funds and improve the integrity of the NDIS.
View the latest information on and access to all Quarterly Reports.
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